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We connect digitally to change the reality.


Helpic is a form of unity under the current living circumstances. It is you, me, and every member who engages in the future we all deserve. We all connect to Helpic and start to build the superhero which with the strength of each member. One by one, we all unite, and with the insignificant contribution of 1 coin per month (£, €, $), we start to give our hero strength. We are more than 7.7 Bn people on Earth from which more than 3 Bn have and navigate on social accounts. See yourself how much we will have our hero if we reach 1 Bn how much good can we do without asking anyone it is just us together. We can achieve this number only by joining and sharing with others.

If a viral disease spread fast, then the cure can have the same speed. The only difference is that one destroy and the other build.

The organization will keep only 1% from the membership funds, with 99% reverting back to the future, or back to the society for a brighter future. The EFFECT section gives more details on how the funds will be allocated. All the investment proposals will be published to the DIARY section from where we all vote (including you) to nominate where the funds will go. All members can propose projects, companies, ideas which require financial support as long as they align with our purpose. 


The upcoming mobile app will facilitate direct support in case of emergency for the users by linking with the nearest heroes, which are other users ready to help. Helpic app will defeat insecurity, fear, and stress by boosting confidence, trust, and belonging. Please check the article in the DIARY section for further details about the app. Click on the video below for a better understanding of how it works. 

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