2021 will mark the year when the fear, isolation and insecurity will be replaced by confidence, belonging and love. The upcoming app combines the emergency call/signal with the commonly used taxi or delivery apps technology. As a result, the members will be able to ask for help or support the ones in need in real time. For example, similar to requesting a cab, the member in need can send an emergency signal manually, vocally which will reach our server who will locate the one in need and spread the signal to the nearby members. The number of respondents (heroes) is set according to the gravity of the one in need which reflects the level of risk. A low risk intervention will require one or few helpers whereas a risky intervention will require all available helpics from that specific area. Helpic app is the global community watchdog..
It is The Three Musketeers on a global scale.
The app facilitates a 24/7 active link between users, being utilized only when insecure or emergency. Once the signal has been triggered or sent, the members near the location will intervene. If there are no members in that specific area, then the message or signal will be sent further until the far heroes will respond to help, depending on the gravity. More users translate to a stronger Helpic and the strength of Helpic translates into the strength of each user.The upcoming app will defeat insecurity through unity in both virtual and physical planes. It provides an active link between all members, where support can be requested by accessing the app or vocally. It is the agreement between me, you, and every member to take care of each other and intervene in any possible way those in need who are asking for help through the platform. The weight of the agreement is similar to an oath and has the purpose of unveiling the benefits of a united, strong, and caring society.
We connect digitally to increase our strength in the real world.
The innovation and uniqueness of the app stand in diverting the emergency signal/message from going to one source such as police, ambulance fire brigade to each member. The integrated active GPS will facilitate finding the one in need which can also visualize the potential support from that specific location. Helpic fulfills the need of feeling safe and increases the level of confidence, creativity, and wellbeing. There are many situations where people lose their life just because the rescue came too late. However, in nine months the great hero formed by you, me, and all Helpic members will come alive. All of us joined here intending to bring brighter days and harmonic growth which will transform us into a Sun for future generations. We have all gathered here with an open heart to create a way to solve the current diseases as they start to feel more intense as the days go by. The upcoming app will clear the internal illness such as fear, lack of confidence, and insecurity of each member balancing the healing on both intrinsic and extrinsic planes.
As within so without
If you think about it, we start with the intention to transform the world to better, and soon we will have the first manifestation (the app) of our will which will boost our confidence and fee us from the stress and diseases mentioned above which can be seen as within. The end of the financial year will initiate the first outward manifestation when the financial resources will be shared as per the company statement: 54% for Earthly projects; 18% for heroes, 27% to poverty, and 1% for Helpic. Therefore, we obey to the above universal law by balancing the activity in both planes: internally and externally. Great days are coming, and we should be grateful to partake to this change through our kindness, unity, and love.