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Starts with one and ends in ONE


We see Earth in Her perfect state, during the Golden Age, where all beings from this galaxy lived in harmony with everything and everyone: our Mother being the cultural capital of our galaxy. There is no real evolution if society does not learn, feel, and live the basics, which are truth, love, and unity. 


Helpic is a heart-based organization which manifests the greatness of people and speed up the world's advancement toward the Golden Era. It is the skeleton of the superhero, formed and controlled by the heroes (including you) who are also generating the strength of their superhero; the project set on manifesting the greatness of our society through trust, unity, and commitment. 

One in All and All in One

We want to show how great and beautiful you are when we work as a whole being. We will also help you distinguish the reality from the illusion that the world is currently living and help find your truth, happiness, and growth. We are doing this because everyone deserves to understand all sides instead of one and then make a choice. We are doing it because we love you and everything we experience.  

Imagine that you achieved everything that you wished for, but there is no other to share wealth or happiness as everyone is fake or non-existent. Would it be sad? Or boring? We must all understand that progress is not for individuals but for collective.


Evolution requires a harmonic growth of everything: all beings, plants, animals, planet, and so forth. Some might argue that society is very advanced, but our advancement has destroyed everything around us. Helpic is a way to change our  current direction, which points us toward destruction. You can sense it with all your senses, and it is getting stronger every day. Therefore, we invite you to join and change the course from a dead end toward great future!  

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